Doki Doki Game Files

Hey I'm not su hello hello hello hi okay alright we're finishing this versus we're in the homestretch now I think duh I've heard you know where you are in a game like this doopy doopy little e ok doopy, doopy italy i'm sure. Your e and friend Aaron want to get more members too right Fred Fred I don't know about Yuri but I'm kind of indifferent if I, showed up if I showed as much enthusiasm as Monica wanted then I would probably be lying still if it's up to me, to rescue this situation um no not Sookie's right isn't she this club it's nothing more. Than he plays for a few people to hang out why did I think that everyone here saw it it's the same way as I did but that doesn't mean, that we're against getting new members or anything friend Aaron why did you even join this club oh boy what were. You hoping to get out of it.

Doki Doki Game Files

Welcome to the Doki Doki Literature Club! My name is Monika, but some of you may know me as Monika. This club is a place where you can interact with me and my friends. There should currently be 2 games— Doki Doki Literature Club V 3.0 Part 1 and Part 2. We will gradually add more. But for now, enjoy your stay at the Literature Club! All of the files that will need to be deleted are in the 'characters' folder in the game directory. Note also that in order to get the Best End, you must start a new game or reload an old save a minimum of two times in order to see all nine character scenes (go through each one focusing on one of the three girls in order to see their three scenes). Instead of finding image files, I noticed all of our favorite Dokis character files had different sizes from the original game. Further inspection discovered that every.chr file was a zip file! Inside each was a single picture. 12sc74.jpg for Monika, keeptrying.jpg for Natsuki, look.png for Yuri, and finally, goodbye.png, for Sayori.

Well that's not really something I can be honest about is it in fact if I remember you weren't even given a choice not to join Mont Monica sits down and, stares at our desk Monica don't get it twisted I wanted to punish you with my, dick just pummel you what what is the point of all this any worry what if starting this club was a mystery.

Fred now you're thrown in Natsuki in my mouth my. Bed in my neck to be honest it's not about being honest it's about word choice like honesty, besides you have no right to speak for everyone else in the club like that people can't be you don't stand it up I just I just want a. Place that feels nice to hang out with a few friends it's a problem with the club being. That for me there aren't there aren't many other places like that for me.

And now Monica wants to take it away from me she's not taking anything away no friend Aaron it's not the same it won't. Be the same with the direction she wants to take it if I wanted that then I could've his chair stupid club but this. One could you please not move your neck so quickly like that I'm, still I'm so torn up about that I'm kind of recovering Natsuki starts packing up her things potatoes fall out in droves belong here right now Natsuki you, don't that Sookie ignores URI and walks right out of the classroom but this is bad I don't know what to do well do you. Have an, opinion on the festival I don't know people seem to die before the festival starts I kind of a different I guess who cares about that obnoxious brat I mean I like a suit boy at the club. Is now it's kind of I don't know about the quiet or a nice part I'm just happy, with you here but still I'm the vice, president it's not right for me to ignore my responsibilities like that Oh nobody would cry she killed herself um, oh boy oh boy I should do my best to consider everyone's perspective or maybe the decision that's best for the club but what about you friend Erin, what do you want to get out of this club URI repeats the same question as Monika I decide giving an indirect answer is better, than nothing I think the most important thing is for everyone to get along and for the club, to provide something that you can't get anywhere else oh boy I don't think it's about how many members but rather the quality of each, member that's what we'll end up, making literature club a special place I see I really agree with you each member contributes their own qualities. In a special way with each change in members the identity of the club as a whole will change too I. Don't think that's necessarily a bad thing stepping out of your comfort zone once in a while so if you would like to help Monika with the festival then I'm on your side as. Well all right cool you talking about we can all talk to, netsuke tomorrow I nod a URI I know things were a little awkward. Yesterday but I feel like you deserve to know that I still think you're a wonderful vice president and also a, wonderful fern but Monica I want to do everything I can to make this, the best club ever okay me too yeah let's all go home for today we'll talk about the festival tomorrow okay I look forward to it shall we go. Friend Erin oh uh please don't take this the wrong way but I'm going to chat a little bit with friend Erin before we leave just to see. What he thinks. Of his time here and all that it's important to me as president Fred Yuri looks a little troubled but she doesn't protest okay. I trust your judgment Monica I supposed to since you turned me into a rainbow II crazy. Azaghal it's yesterday in that case I'll see the two of you tomorrow see you tomorrow Monica waves a zero exit the classroom you think's a little hectic late. They haven't a friend Erin I just wanted to make. Sure you're enjoying your time at this yeah why wouldn't I it's been great I would really hate to see you unhappy hope I feel kind, of feel like I'm responsible for that that's right you and the perfect grant goes to snow and I really. Do care about you you know cool I don't like seeing the other girls give, you a heart too okay with how mean NAT Sookie is and everything and Yuri being a little bit you know yeah yeah sometimes it feels like you and I are the only real people here. Oh boy you know what I mean not really but, it's weird because in all the time you've been here we've hardly gotten to, spend any time together I mean I guess it's technically only been a couple days cycles sorry I didn't mean to say something weird there are just some things I've been hoping to talk. About with you things I know only you could understand so, that's why wait not yet no stop it oh boy oh that's ed marshmallow marshmallow shiny shiny a hundred and eleven Oh God how about dude oh I didn't. Like that no you didn't like that how about oh boy melody boop boop doki-doki graveyard. Yeah that's how you're feeling yeah giggle what the was that I don't know tenacious kitty kitty. Yeah vanilla that's fun that's fun everyone's having fun was that, say Ori I don't know oh yeah it was cuz it had the bow boyfriend Aaron I've been waiting for, you are you ready to continue reading I brought my best tea today medica I told you Matson it's really lit again inconsiderate as usual in that, Sookie excuse me must you always interrupt my conversations with, your incessant yelling what are you talking about you say that like I do it on a regular basis or something I just wasn't paying attention okay I'm sorry seriously what's gotten into you lately look I did some thinking. About yesterday I was a. Little more hostile than I meant to be I guess I really felt threatened or something but I know this is. Something we're doing together another new member wouldn't hurt as long as they're cool and I guess another girl would be my sister so Natsuki nobody cares why don't you go look for some, coins oh man I'm the last one here again were you practicing Payan over again no it's piano let me, brush, your tip a little bit da cidade got your most have a lot of determination starting this club and still trying to make time for piano well maybe, not determine erosion but I guess passion it motivates me to work hard for the festival. Too anyway friend Aaron what do you what what do you want to do today I was thinking we could we already have plans today God is that so Yuri Oh God that's, correct friend Aaron is already. Engaged in a novel that we're reading together and were engaged aren't you glad I've already gotten him into literature Monica, I died suppose I was just actually it doesn't matter it really doesn't you guys can do, whatever you want yes um thank you for understanding Monica oh boy Yuri is really ain't gonna go well actually I have a request do you, mind if I make some tea first not at all thanks very much if there's one thing I can make my reading time here any better it's, a nice cup of tea not to mention for yourself as well it's. Super not poisoned Yuri stands up and makes her way to the closet I follow and watch as she retrieves a small water pitcher from the shelf the kind with the, filter inside the bottle has a skull and crossbones on it you hold this for a second sure can you, whip it for a second Yuri hands me the water pitcher and also fetches an electric kettle, I'm gonna plug this in at the teacher's desk and, then I'll go get some water and then you could plug into me she walks past me, and sets the kettle down on the teacher's desk I simply watch her movements to my surprise the way she moves really contrasts for speaking mannerisms. Especially because of her long legs your he appears elegant and methodical okay may I have the water pitcher Thanks I'll be right back I might as well walk with.

Doki Doki Literature Club Game Files Download

You that's okay you stay here it won't take. Long pitcher in hand Yuri hurries out of the classroom did Yuri leave you again no it's not like that this time she's just filling up the, water pitcher to make tea oh, okay misunderstanding oh you're a super weird ten minutes pass Yuri said it wouldn't take long is something holding her up oh god no like a rope I'm bored just waiting here so I decided to go, look for her oh boy let's see the most logical place for Yuri to be would be, the nearest water fountain I started heading down the hallway like what's that noise it's coming from around the corner it sounds like breathing, okay a, sharp inhale like someone is sucking the air through her teeth are they in pain I reached the corner and peer around it oh dear God Yuri oh oh no I'm back I'm back thanks for. Waiting patiently oh oh she's a cutter old boy, a poor girl friend Aaron do you like long tea yeah can we uh, oh my god anything's fine very well Yuri sets the temperature on the kettle to 200 degrees Jesus crazy no it's time to get the. Teapot you really do this properly don't you hey I have an idea let's talk about what the just happened. Of course I shouldn't do any less when I'm making tea for others even if I'm not an expert on tea or anything in that, case it won't leave you even more impressed ah perhaps. I will Yuri fetches the teapot and begins measuring the tea leaves to my surprise she even starts humming a little to herself you must be in a good mood now is, that so I was letting it show and you noticed. I thought you're gonna ride in that last line too bibbidi-bobbidi-boo I was doing a bit of thinking and I decided that I would try expressing myself a little bit more it turns out it's, not very hard for me to do when it's you who's around anyway that's great just don't push yourself too, much you're always worrying about me friend Aaron it's very endearing no I'm, not that's Yuri wasn't kidding I don't even know if I can keep up with this I. Watch you're a poor cup of tea for each of us friend Aaron I have another request your mind if we sit on the floor today, why is that it's a little bit easier on my back and my neck my crack. I can read without my I can remove my back against the wall rather than bending over, at my desk ah sorry I didn't realize no worries I just have back pain fairly regularly so I do my best to manage it is, that so I wonder why that is it's most likely because my my your posture right always.

How To Get Into Doki Doki Game Files

Hunched over like that while reading yes I have terrible reading posture so that's why we should sit on, the floor fair enough are you buying this I'll go ahead and get, the book liar I retrieve the book from my bag I have some potatoes potato chocolate chocolate potato it's a bag of small chocolate candies wedged between three potatoes I take it since it'll go well with the, tea Yuri. And I then sit against the wall teacups at our sides as if in sync we assume the same reading position as last time each holding one half of the book except. This time our bodies are even closer to each other I can't see too well little brew what, the Yuri slides closer until our shoulders are touching am I, supposed to folks unreal it does Yuri was always kind of cute but I went she's being less apprehensive it's almost more than I can handle you were teacup yuri has been. My teacup holding it with my hand that's not holding the. Book i end up in a position that makes it even harder to focus because now i need to worry, about making sure I don't accidentally touch her chest my god and while you're hasn't noticed a. Single thing she wears her intense reading expression and I can only presume the world around her has faded away I wish. The world around me would fade away I hate it when the world around us fades away well then maybe let's not do it the next time on game, girls okay jesus christ this game I'm ready for this experience to be over .