Tomb Raider Underworld Fly Mode

Tomb Raider: Underworld Cheats. A nice transfer of the TR experience, except it's nearly impossible to see the action on screen, so expect to die a lot. Blessed by the flying spider, almost murdered by a draugr, Arctic Circle was a hot mess. It's not perfect but I will take this run for now.Follow My Twitch. Mar 06, 2009 For Tomb Raider: Underworld on the Xbox 360, Guide and Walkthrough by rikku4788. Kill the bats that fly out from behind the corner and jump to the nearest.

Jumping/crouching while in fly mode will also make Lara drop off the map. How to use it, simple. Launch the game, then the tool. Get on a map, activate the tool with F11 (note the same key - F11 - is used for both activating/deactivating the fly mode) and use 1 or 2 keys to go up/down. It is most likely somewhere in C: Program Files Eidos Tomb Raider - Underworld folder, unless you installed the game elsewhere. Switch to Logging Mode. Make sure that the options Show Texture on the upper left corner and Replace Texture (with a green texture) are selected. You will see why in a while.

Tomb Raider Underworld Relics and Treasures
Location for Relics and Treasures in Tomb Raider Underworld

Treasures: 179

(Submitted by Edward VAN WINKLE)

Mediterranean Sea (26 Treasures)

#1 Face the main cave, turn 180 degrees and swim into a cave in a cluster of rocks. Turn right then left. In here you'll find a turn key and the treasure.
#2 Face the main cave again, turn right and swim to the cluster of rocks. The entrance to the cave is on the other side. Swim in and find the treasure.
#3 Face the main cave again, turn left and swim in the door at the base of that rock cluster. Door is covered by kelp. Enter the cave, swim down, turn right, then left up over some rocks and the treasure is to the right of some jelly fish.
#4 Facing the main cave again, turn left and look at the kelp covered door of the near rock cluster. Swim to the left of this cluster and find the cave on the other side of the jutting rock a little farther away. Treasure inside.
#5 Face the main cave, swim up until you're about a 1/3 of the way from the top. It's on a ledge to the left that blends in well.
#6 Go in the main cave and face the puzzle. Look right and up. Swim up the hole and you'll find the treasure on a ledge.
#7 Enter the puzzle door. You'll swim straight, right, left, and before your next right, look behind the fallen rocks on the left.
#8 Once out of the water, take your first right and bust the urn.
#9 & 10 In the next room, dive to the far left in the small pool of water. -The other is in the top left on a ledge in an urn.
#11 You'll see a small hole on the left with 3 urns. It's directly across from a torch with a ledge underneath.
#12 Crouch through the small tunnel, climb up and it's in an urn in front of the stairs on the right.
#13 In an urn on the right under a torch.
#14 Looking at the kraken at water level, it's to the right in a corner in an urn.
#15 Looking at the kraken, go up the stairs on the right of the room, take your first left, and it's in an urn behind a column.
#16 Looking at the kraken, jump in the water and it's just in front of the kraken underwater in the middle right.
#17 Looking at the kraken, it's to the left just under the water on a stair case.
#18 Climb the stair case in the middle left of the room, take the first left around to a dead end and it's in an urn.
#19 Kill the kraken, then wall jump where the chains were up to a small room. (Master Climber) (Swan Diver I)
#20 After the Thor cut scene, go into the left room. It's on the left in an urn.
#21 After the thug's bomb cut scene, it's in an urn to the left of the Thor statue.
#22 To the left of the doorway to the room with broken poles.
#23 In the back left corner of the room with a bunch of broken poles.
#24 After you crawl through debris, the urn is just left of the exit.
#25 Back in the kraken room on the top ledges. Grapple straight across and you'll see the urn.
#26 When you slide down a ramp, drop off that ledge and shimmy across to a ledge on the right. Climb up and the urn is right in front of you.

Coastal Thailand (30 Treasures)

#1 Climb out of the water and stay on that ledge facing the small waterfall. Dive under where the water is falling and swim left into a dark cave area.
#2 Wall climb on the initial column out of the water. You'll see where you can jump right and shimmy some ledges into a little cave. There's treasure, health and spiders in here.
#3 You'll slide down a ramp and jump to a bar. Go up the first stairs then take an immediate right and drop off and grab the ledge. A blue bird will fly away from the edge as you approach. Drop, wall climb and jump back to find the treasure on a ledge. -Credit to: mr wilkie (Master Swan Diver)
#4 Just after the spot for Master diver, don't turn right down the lush path. Look left and jump out to the top of the pillar. You can clearly see it before you jump. -Credit to: sS Cronic
#5 As you get to the end of the lush path, it's up the stairs on the right in a jar.
#6 Drop down from the pillars and follow the little stream to a small L-shaped wall on the right. Tigers will attack. The jar lays inside the corner of the walls.
#7 Maneuver the next set of pillars. Go up to the right, instead of left.
#8 Navigate the pillars to the other side and the pot is on the right. Grab the ledge to shimmy over.
#9 Three more tigers will attack, go up stairs and jump left. Use cross bar to swing over. Run to the end and you can see the treasure across the way. Drop, swing, and shimmy across to it.
#10 Spiders will attack again and you'll drop down a hole. Left is a ramp you can't ascend. Right is the way to go. Climb up and the jar is in front of you.

#11 Run right and around and drop down. Crawl under the opening to the middle where you'll see a ring to grapple across. The jar is right next to you before you swing over.
#12 Once at the bottom with the 2 movable statues. Go either L or R and descend the stairs until you reach a hole. Use the ring to grapple and rappel down. The jar is in front of you when you drop.
#13,14,15,16,17&18 After the 'architecture is different ' cut scene, you'll come to a new room.
-One is in a little area in the far back right corner.
-Wall climb above the last one and grab the food. Jump to the top of the pillar. -Credit: sS Cronic
-Another is higher and directly across from where you enter, in the back middle. Wall climb a lot to get to it.
-Turn around from the last one and drop/grab to the ledge below. -Credit: sS Cronic
-Another is in the back left corner. You can wall climb from the bottom-middle left area to get to it.
-Across from the gem on the left side. Repel down from the gem, grab food and jump diagonally across a gap. Wall climb and wall jump.
#19 Once you leave the last room, you'll come to a large gap you have to rappel across. Standing where you see the ring, the treasure is above you. Swing across, turn left, climb the vertical bar and double back above the gap you swung across.
#20,21,22 -After another tiger, it's on ground level in the back right.
-Another is on the ledge up on the left.
-Another is on the ledge up on the right.
#23,24 Once back in the area with the statues of Shiva and Kali, there's one to your right.
-The other is on the opposite side in the same location.
#25 In the new room that Kali opened for you, there's one behind the statue with the ring on the right that you pull to make a hole. It's hidden in a bush. (Try a grenade on the spiders here.)
#26,27,28 The room with a tree in the middle and a large statue.
-Use the ring just to the left of the entrance to rappel down on the ledge below.
-Climb down the center and move the walkway to your right. The treasure is just behind where you grabbed the walkway.
-This one is on a ledge half way around to the exit. Stop and climb back up before pushing the walkway to the exit.
#29 The next room with water and a ring on the right wall. It's at the far right of the pool at the bottom.
#30 After you open the underwater gate, you'll be swimming downward. It's on the bottom left before the floor makes you swim up. -Credit to: B1g Ez
Croft Manor (13 Treasures)

#1 & 2 -At the very start, kick the pot next to you.
-Near the bottom of the pole at the beginning of the stage in a pot.
#3, 4, 5 In the first big room.
-Jump to the left platform.
-Jump from the last treasure to a vertical pole and this one is on the ledge you swing to.
-Drop to the bottom. Look at the statue with no arms or head, it’s in a pot to the right.
#6 Climb above the removable pole before you take it.
#7 Just beyond where you pull the pole from the wall. In a pot midway down the stairs.
(Continue down, turn L, then right and you can see a brick. Look in the grate to the right)
#8 Take the pole to the opposite side from where you removed it. There is another hole for the pole. Use it and climb above it, too.
#9 After you swing through the timed doors, continue til you see the pot next to a health pack.
#10 Look around the corner from the last one.
#11 After fighting Thralls, move the pillar to the right of the cage to reach the second level.
#12 Move the pillar to the left of the cage. Jump back from the pillar that you have to shimmy around over to a ledge against the wall.
#13 In a pot on the right as you run up the wooden steps in a mine shaft before the lever.

Southern Mexico (50 Treasures)

#1 Ride the bike to the gap. Do not jump the gap. It's in a pot in the small tunnel just before the gap.
#2 Now jump the gap. Stop and get off the bike and it's in some bushes on the right. It's in a pot just after the gap.
#3, 4 At the first building, it's in a pot at the front right.
-In the room with the statue head.
#5, 6 & 7 Drive past the temple and maneuver the sharp turns around stone walls. Two are on the left by the walls. The other is to the right before the opening of the tunnel.
#8 & 9 After the tunnel, you'll come to another building on the right with dead bodies on the steps.
-One is in a pot on the left, in some broken walls.
-The other is in a pot just left of the doorway.
#10 Get back on the bike and pass the two pits. This one is in a pot at the entrance to a small stone tunnel.
You come to a + intersection.
#11 Go left through a tunnel. Take the high path on the left. It's in a pot on the right.
#12 On the same high path as 11, it's between a tree and wall on the left.-Credit: robertovaladez
#13, 14, 15, 16 You'll arrive at a building with men shooting panthers (where you wrap the boulder with your grapple to make a hole to the skull headdress for the other calendar).
-One is in a pot at the bottom left of the area.
-Another is up the stairs in a pot on the right.
-While on the right, climb the pillar for the pot on top.
-And as you approach the doors, another pot is to the left.
#17,18 Climb around to the right of the building.
-When you drop down, you'll see the pot.
-Another pot is located at the top of the column.
#19,20 After you drop behind the doors, look at the doors. Turn right, and you'll see some stone blocks to climb, but look further right at the hole at the bottom of a wall and you'll see a pot inside. Then climb the stone blocks, and the other pot is in the corner.
#21 Climb down the hole on the side nearest the ring. You can see it on a ledge. Don't miss or you have to navigate around the room again.
#22,23,24,25,26 Return to the intersection and go straight across to the area you were overlooking when you aligned the dials for the calendar.
-Run around the perimeter and you'll find 4 more gems in vases.
-On the way back up, there's a vase on the left of the stairs.
#27 Now turn right at the intersection and you'll drive down some curves. You'll come to the building with the second calendar. Park your bike by the large hole in the wall (this is where you'll exit). Go around to the other side and the vase is in the corner by the door.
#28 Enter the door and walk to the back right corner. It's in a vase.
(Speed Demon I)
#29 After your motorcycle ride into Xibalba, there's a vase on the left before the 2nd stairs down.
The Midgard Serpent

#30,31 Walk down the steps, turn around and look at your bike.
-It's just to the right of the door in a jar.
-The other is on a ledge above the door.
#32 Turn the four statues to open the four doors. Go in the door with a staircase. The wall room. Cross to the other side and get the Rattling House Key. Turn around and use your grapple to pull the block down and pull it to the middle. When you stand on this for protection, wall jump to the top when the walls close-in and grab the treasure that was hidden by the block.
#33,34 Coming out the last room, go left and maneuver the walls to the next door.
-They're both in a pot in front of the door.
#35,36 Enter the door to the fire room.
-One is in a pot on the left before all the fire.
-Use the first bar, then jump back on another bar to an alcove above the entrance.
#37,38,39,40 Back to the statue room. Use the ring to grapple and climb up to the ledge in the large room.
-Jump to the left and slide to get to the ledge of the next door. The jar is in front of the door.
-Walk into the dark room and crawl through the debris, then look to your right.
-A jar is to the left of the blue Jaguar House Key.
-Climb the debris, then run (LB) and jump to the alcove.
#41 Back in the large room, wall jump and wall climb where there are four poles with skeletons on them. The gem is up top by the first pole.
#42 In the spears and blades room, make your way back on top of the blades to reach the alcove above the entrance.
#43 Open the floor to descend. Look on the right in a jar, before you take the first stairs that go up.
#44 Make the first jump with your bike. Stop. Get off and run back and the jar is up the stairs on the right.
#45 Once you crawl through the gap over a crushed skeleton, a jar is to the left.
#46 Descend the steps for a cut scene. The jar is at the bottom of the steps.
#47 Swing behind Thor, then pull his left arm out to shimmy on his shield. Jump back on the column to make your way to the walkway to the Fight off some thralls. It's next to one of the columns on the walkway.
#48 Stand next to the corkscrew facing Thor and walk straight/left to the corner. Jump out to the jagged column.

#49 & 50 When you make it back to the top, use the power of Thor's belt to move the rock in the corner. They're both underneath.

Jan Mayen Island(30 Treasures)
(Speed Demon II)

#1 After the cut scene shows you the spiral road downward, look right up the road.
#2 & 3 At the bottom of the corkscrew road.
-One is under the road.
-The other is left of the door.
#4, 5 & 6 Along the way up the center column, there's one where you align the 3rd symbol.
-And there's two where you align the 4th symbol.

#7, 8 & 9 -Just inside the large door to the right in a vase.
-Just left of the ramp next to two vases.
-Just down the ramp and to the left in a vase.
[Now you're in the maze. (Speed Demon III)]

TO THE LEFT (All dead ends):
#10 It's just to the right after the ramp down.
#11 There's one in the dead end on the left. (Relic #5 is behind that wall)
#12 Check the other dead, under the debris archway, just to the right in a vase.
#13 Other is at the very end on the right. Now go back to the beginning.
#14 It's just behind the debris on the right.
#15 Continue, turn L, and look to the left after you go down the ramp.
#16 Continue straight over a barrier, turn L, go under a debris archway and the vase is at the left. This is a dead end.
#17 Go back to the barrier, take a L, then right and crawl under the debris.
#18 Travel opposite direction from 17 and go straight until there's a dead end on the right (#21 is over there). Straight ahead there's a vase.
#19 Turn the left. After your first jump, turn around and look in the right corner of the barrier you just cleared. It's before that tilted archway on the right.
#20 Continue straight and crawl under more debris.
#21 Place the boulder next to the pole already in the wall. Park your bike lined up with the tilted archway. Pull the lever down, press B to skip the cut scene, and get on your bike and head into the raised door.
Return back to the poles.
#22 Wall climb up and walk into the big room. Look to your left as soon as you enter.
#23 Make your way to the lower right (from where you enter). You have to do a lot of navigating around the large columns. It's in a vase to the left before the room of blue water.
#24 Leave the blue water room and enter the other room with large cogs. Look to your left in a vase.
#25 When you make it to the 2nd cog room (cogs are not moving), it's on your immediate right.
#26 Move the boulder from the cog over to the door so you can jump up the barrier. Run to the end. -Credit to: Jizmonkeee
#27 Ride you next hammer over to another blue water room where you have to use the grapple (do NOT drop from the grapple, use the wall run). The gem is across the room on a lower level.
#28 Go into a blue water room where you have to grapple and rappel up. Then walk through a tunnel to another blue room. You'll see the gem to your right on a platform. Return the way you came.
#29 & 30 Both are at the bottom of the cog room with the 'yeti like creature'.

Arctic Sea (30 Treasures)
#1 On the third statue on the left that is missing its top half.
#2,3,4 Swim past all the tall statues. Between the six statues and the building is a trench to dive deeper. You'll see large rib cage (whale) bones.
-Facing the bones, there's a small cave behind you.
-Facing the bones, swim right along the bottom and it's on your left.
-Facing the bones, swim left along the bottom and it's on your right.
#5 To the right of the right tower at about chain level.
#6 Swim to the right of the center turn key and it's behind the two fixtures for the power stones.
#7 Swim up between the right tower and center building. There's a hole in the center building across from the top of the right tower. Treasure is inside on the left. -Credit: dronthego
#8 Between the base of the left staircase and the whale bones on the left corner of the building.
# 9,10,11 Swim through the door of the right tower and emerge from the water.
-One is as soon as you emerge.
-Another is at the top next to the power stone.
-Look across from the power stone and jump to a ledge in the corner.
#12,13,14,15,16 Now swim to the left tower.
-Immediately swim/climb up to the very top to claim the treasure next to the power stone.
-As you swim into the tower, turn right instead of swimming up. You'll come to an intersection. Treasure is in the dead end on the right.
-Now take the left and follow the path to the other power stone. The treasure is to your immediate left as you enter.
-As you swim away from the room with the power stone, swim up (instead of swimming back down) and it's to your right in some rocks.
-Check in the other room up here and there's one to the right.
After you lower the bridge...
#17 Swim until you come to an intersection. One is straight ahead through the debris.
#18 After you swim over the 1st staircase (with the bottom half fallen apart), swim over the debris on the right.
#19 After you swim over next staircase, swim left through a hole in debris to find a treasure in another dead end.
#20 After the same 2nd staircase, swim right and look right once you pass the fallen rocks.
#21 At the next intersection, swim straight over the rocks for a treasure at a dead end.
#22 From the same intersection, swim right over broken stairs to another intersection. Grab the treasure through the debris on the right.
Now out of the water.

#23,24 After the cut scene, there is one to your right* (symbol for relic) and one to your left.
#25 Drop straight off to the ledge (with a pole) below you. Bust the vase.
#26 Now walk on the pole laying diagonally to another vase*. (symbol for relic)
#27 Return to the platform that had #25, then shimmy the walls to a pole. Perch to the top and jump over to the middle platform* (grapple ring).
#28 Drop straight down to a lower area that is water level. Bust the vase.
#29 Jump to the next platform* (symbol for relic) and to the next for another vase.

#30 After the cut scene and you're under the red light, look for the vase* (symbol for relic) to the left of the doorway before you enter.


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Tomb Raider Underworld Fly Mode Mode

Tomb Raider Underworld Walkthrough and Game Guide
Featuring All Secrets and Hidden Rewards

Level 3: Coastal Thailand

Tomb Raider Underworld Wetsuit

Treasures: 30
Relics: 1


(Note - Just before the level loads, you have the option of choosing the Jungle Shorts or Jungle Pants outfit. You can also select your secondary weapon to start with, although you can change it any time from your PDA.)

In the cut scene, Lara uses her camera and takes a look at the cliff opposite. While talking to Zip and Alister, she tells them that she cannot see any sign of the ruins that her father explored. Zip does not see how Thailand is connected to Avalon and Lara tells him that the myths use different names for the remnants of the ancient world and one of them is still alive. In their case, it is Helheim.

Move to the rear of the yacht and gracefully perform a dive into the clear blue water. Draw weapons (the Spear Gun is rather effective here) because three sharks are circling. For added amusement, detonate them with a sticky grenade. To perform this action you have to wait until they come close enough, then launch a grenade.

Now swim towards the flat ledge opposite the yacht and a bit to the left (as shown in this screenshot). Dive down and swim to the left to enter a small cavity behind the rock. Get the Treasure (1/30) and return back to surface.

Climbing up the cliffto the Treasure - (The following jumps until you reach the Treasure are shown in this page .) Climb on the flat ledge and walk towards the wall to grab the handholds. Head up and right until you reach the crevice. Jump to the right to grab the next handholds. Climb up, then press Jump while holding Up to grab the ledge running along the wall. Jump straight up to grab the handhold above and shimmy right. When you reach the end, jump to grab the handhold on the next wall to the right and traverse towards the cave. Drop down and draw weapons. Three spiders will attack, so kill them. Pick up the Health Potion and the Treasure (2/30).

Climbing up the cliff to the path that leads to the ruins - (The following jumps until you reach the path that leads to the ruins are shown in this page.) Once you get the Treasure, exit the cave and stand on the extended rounded ledge. Jump to grab the handhold on the wall from where you came and traverse to the left. Release to grab the lower ledge, then the handholds below. Jump to the left to reach the next handholds (above the flat ledge where you started climbing up the wall). This time move upwards and to the left. Grab the hadhold beneath the stone railing and traverse to the left. When you reach the end, jump to grab the ledge behind you. Pull up to hug the wall and walk to the right (Lara's left hand). When you reach the end, jump forward to land on the ground.

First path that leads to the ruins - Draw weapons and kill the two spiders that attack. When you climb on the ledge above, two more spiders will come from behind. Kill them, go up the steps and pick up the Health Potion. Slide down the slope on the right and, before reaching the end, jump to grab the horizontal pole. Swing and jump to grab the handhold ahead. Traverse to the right and jump up to grab the bottom of the steps. Pull up and go up the steps. Turn right and head up the steps.

Before proceeding, hang from the edge on the right (as shown in this screenshot). Release to grab the narrow ledge, then the wall below. Start climbing down and left. When you reach the corner, jump back to grab the edge of the small alcove. Pull up and pick up the Treasure (3/30). Make your way back to the path the same way you came.

Continue to the right and kill three more spiders. Turn around to face the way you came and locate the handhold on the right (see here). Jump to grab it, then jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up to hug the wall and jump forward to grab the handhold on the opposite wall. Jump up to grab the ledge and pull up. Walk along the edge and locate the big rock platform down on your left. If you look closer, you will see somethnh shiny. This is a Treasure (4/30), but the jump is quite long, so you will lose some health. Jump down there and get the prize. Jump down to the ledge where you killed the last spiders and make your way up as you did before.

Secondpath that leads to the ruins - Walk along the edge, carefully find your way between the plants and the rocks and follow the path on the right until you reach a small pit. Use the Grapple to catch the golden ring above (you can also launch the grapple while you are standing on the ground and start climbing up the rope). Swing and jump forward. If you accidentally fall into the pit, there is a stone a block you can climb and start over. Once on the other side, follow the narrow passage on the left. Crawl under the rock to reach an area with an architectural structure and four pillars.

Area with architectural structure and four pillars - Go up the steps and turn right. Break the rounded vase and pick up the Treasure (5/30). (The process until you reach the ledge above the pillars is shown in these screenshots.) Go left and stand in the alcove betwen the wall and the pillar. Perform the Chimney Jump to reach the handhold on the pillar. Traverse to the left around the corner and jump to grab the handhold of the other pillar. Shimmy around the right hand corner and jump up to grab the handhold above. Then jump to grab the architrave running along the wall behind you. Traverse all the way to the right and jump back to grab the handhold of the third pillar. Shimmy to the right around the two corners and jump up to grab the ledge. Jump to grab the ledge on the left and continue to the left. At the end, jump up to grab the ledge above and traverse to the right. Pull up and run towards the temple.

Going down to the river - From the ledge that overlooks the river, jump to grab the handhold on the left pillar. Jump to grab the handhold above and traverse to the right around the corner. Jump to grab the handhold on the pillar behind and traverse to the left around the corner. Release to grab the horizontal pole, swing and jump to grab the other pole. Again, swing and jump to grab the handhold on the wall ahead. Traverse to the right and jump back to grab the handhold of the pillar. Traverse around the corner to the left and release to grab the handhold below. Now jump to grab the horizontal pole on the left and traverse to the other side. Release three times to land on the stone block. Finally drop to the ground and pick up the Health Potion.

Riverside - Go to the other side of the area, away from the river. Two tiger will run down the hill on the right, so draw weapons and kill them. If you want a safe spot, you can turn left where the pillars are and climb on the stone beam (as shown in this screenshot). If you follow that way, a third tiger will appear, so stay sharp. If you do not approach this area during the battle, the third tiger will appear when the first two drop dead.

Once you are done, approach the low wall which is close to the hill the tigers came from. There is a rounded vase behind it; break it and pick up the Treasure (6/30). Go to the area with the pillars and pick up the two Health Potions; one on the left and the other on the right hand side of the pillars.

Climbing up the pillars - (The following sequence until you reach the Treasure is shown in this page.) Facing the way you came, climb on the stone beam and walk to the left. Jump to grab the handhold on the pillar and traverse to the left around the corner. Jump back to land on the small stone beam and jump to grab the handhold of the pillar ahead. Traverse around the corner and perform the Chimney Jump using the adjacent wall to reach the upper handhold of the pillar. Traverse around one corner and stop.

Notice the handhold of the pillar on the left. Press Left and Jump to reach it, then jump to grab the handhold of the next pillar on the left. Traverse around the corner and release to land on the stone beam. Walk to the other side and release to grab the edge of the beam. Traverse to the handhold of the low pillar and release to grab the lower handhold. Jump to grab the handhold on the wall to the left and traverse to the left around the corner. Climb on the ledge and go around to the right to get the Treasure (7/30) from the balcony.

Climbing up the pillars to the upper ruins - Kill ten bats flying from the temple one by one and approach the left side of the balcony. (The following sequence is shown in this page.) Jump to grab the handhold on the pillar and traverse around the two corners. Jump to grab the vertical pole behind you and climb to the top. Jump to perch on the next pole and jump to grab the handhold on the pillar ahead. Traverse to the right and climb on the stone beam. Jump to grab the upper handhold of the same pillar and make your way back to the pillar where you performed the Chimney Jump. Traverse around the corner and drop to the stone beam below. Walk to the other side and jump to perch on the pole ahead.

Jump to grab the ledge at the bottom of the stairs, but do not pull up. Instead, shimmy right and pull onto the flat ledge with the vase (as shown in this screenshot). Break it and pick up the Treasure (8/30). Hang from the edge and traverse all the way to the left, passing the stairs. Pull onto the flat ledge and pick up the Health Potion. Hang from the edge and traverse to the right. Now pull up and go up the stairs.

Upper ruins - Crawl under the big branch and hang from the edge. Traverse to the left and jump to grab the next ledge on the left. Pull up and crawl under the branch. Draw a powerful weapon because as soon as you enter the area, three tigers attack.

[Note about the Headshot - If you have Training Text enabled, you will get instructions for the Headshot. If you learn how to use it, it will be prooved really effective in situations when many enemies attack together, because it is the quickest way to kill them. The Headshot works as follows: Shoot the tigers until the adrenaline meter (Lara's yellow silhouette behind the health) is full. With your weapons drawn, shoot or just aim at a tiger. Get close to it and press the Grapple button. Lara will jump on the tiger and a gray reticule will appear on the tiger's head. When Lara jumps off the head, a red target appears to the side. Move the target in the gray reticule and shoot. If you make it correctly, the tiger will die instantly.]

Detour for a Treasure - The stairs lead to the Temple, but if you want all the Treasures, you have to take a detour. (This page shows the procedure. If you are not interested, skip to the part of the walkthrough Entering the Temple.) Go up the stairs and climb on the ledge to the left. Follow the ledge and jump to grab the horizontal pole. Swing and jump to the opposite side. Turn left and go to the end of the ledge. If you take a look below, you will see a slope. Jump there and Lara will slide down and grab the edge automatically. Release to grab the handhold below. Traverse to the left and jump to grab the horizontal pole above the river. Swing and jump to grab the next pole. Swing and jump to grab the ledge ahead. Shimmy left, pull into the alcove and pick up the Treasure (9/30).

Jump to grab the handhold on the left wall and climb on the stone beam. Turn left and jump to the opposite beam. Hang from the edge and traverse to the right until Lara is able to put her legs on the wall. Jump up to grab the handhold, then the ledge above. Shimmy right and pull up to return back to the area where you killed the tigers.

Entering the Temple - Go up the stairs and through the doorway. Follow the hallway around to the right until you reach the deep pit. Kill the seven bats that come one by one from around the corner and jump to the stone beam. Walk to the left and jump to grab the handhold on the wall. Traverse to the right and around the crevice of the broken column and jump back to grab the crevice of the other column. Shimmy left, release to grab the handhold below, then the stone beam. Climb on the beam and jump to the one at the other side. Hang from the left side of the beam and traverse to the left. Pull up into the opening.

Kill the two spiders and go up the stairs. Kill six more spiders and drop into the pit. Six more appear, so take care of them. You cannot go anywahere from the left side of the pit, so go right. Climb on the ledge and approach the left hand wall. Jump towards it and press Jump again to spring off and grab the stone beam (as shown in this screenshot). Climb on the beam and go to the ledge. Break the rounded vase and pick up the Treasure (10/30).

Walk back on the beam and make your way across, jumping from beam to beam. When you reach the last one, draw weapons and kill the six spiders that come one by one from around the corner. Jump to grab the horizontal pole and press Jump to climb on it. Jump to the beam on the left, then to the one on the right. Finally, jump to the stairs and go up them.

As the cut scene unfolds, Lara enters the courtyard of the temple of Shiva. Taking out her camera, she deciphers some Sanskrit inscriptions on a pillar and understands that the place is related to Bhogavati, one of the Hindu underworlds. According to the legend, the place is guarded by the Nagas, the Snake-Men. She also recognises the statues from the far end; it is Shiva and his mistress Kali down below


Wooden platform opposite Shiva and Kali - When the level begins, Lara is standing on a wooden platform facing Shiva and Kali. The switch on the left does not work yet. If you use it, the two ropes holding the platform will appear jammed. You need to release the ropes by eventually reaching two mechanisms; one on each side. It does not matter which one you make first, since both have to be done.

Releasing the left hand rope - Turn around and then right to enter the hallway. When you enter the hallway, stop and notice the opening just next to the corner (as shown in this screenshot). Roll through it and Lara will grab the edge automatically. Shimmy right and when you turn around the small corner, pull onto the narrow ledge. Jump forward to land on the beam ahead (bypassing the vertical pole). Hang from the beam and traverse around the pillar to reach the other beam. Pull up and jump to perch on the vertical pole. From there, jump to the ledge with the meachanism ahead. (Skip the next two paragraphs.)

[Alternative method of reaching the mechanism - There is another longer way to reach the mechanism. From the wooden platform, turn around and then right to enter hallway. Go up the stairs, then down the next ones. At the end, roll through the opening on the right to grab the edge of the ledge. Climb down to the ground, using the handholds on the wall. Kill the five bats that attack and approach the left side of the balcony if the handholds you came from are behind you. (The following sequence is shown in this page.) Jump to grab the handhold on the wall and traverse to the right. Jump to grab the handhold of the pillar and traverse around the corner. Climb up to grab the small handholds, then right and down to grab the handhold below. Shimmy around the two corners and pull onto the narrow ledge. Perform the Chimney Jump to grab the ledge above. Traverse to the right and pull up on the ledge with the mechanism.]

Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring and pull it to release the rope. Turn around and go to the other side of the ledge, where you will find a Health Potion. Retutn towards the mechanism and notice the opening on the right. Hang from there and release twice to grab the handhold and land on the ground. Kill the five bats that attack and go the other side where the gap is (as shown in this screenshot).

Releasing the right hand rope - Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring above and swing to the other side. Break the vase and pick up the Treasure (11/30). Roll through the opening to reach the other side.

Pick up the pole lying on the floor and approach the pillar with the vacant hole. Press the Interact button to put the pole in the hole and create a climbable path. (The following sequence is shown in this creenshot.) Climb on the pole and jump to grab the handhold of the nearby pillar. Jump to grab the handhold of the next pillar, then the handhold on the right wall. Climb up to reach the upper handhold and jump back to perch on the pillar. Draw weapons and kill the five bats that attack. Then jump to perch on the next pillar. From there, jump to grab the ledge ahead and pull up.

Pick up the Health Potion from the right and approach the mechanism on the left. Jump to grab the horizontal pole and while facing the wall, press the Interact button to remove the pole. This action releases the rope. Put the pole down (press the Crouch button), because you do not need it and approach the opening from where you came.

Jump to grab the handhold of the tallest pillar (as shown here). Traverse around the corners until you reach the beam and pull up. Jump to perch on the lower pillar and jump to grab the ledge ahead. Pull up and crawl through the opening. Follow the hallway to return back to the wooden platform.

Back to the wooden platform - Use the switch to release the ropes that hold the platform. At this point, a situational adrenaline kicks in. As the wooden platform falls down, you have just a few seconds to throw the Grapple line and catch the metal ring (the one you used to get to the right hand mechanism). Once you catch it, climb to the bottom to land on the platform.

Shiva and Kali courtyard - When you drop to the ground, three green nagas and two red ones attack almost all together. The green nagas are not too aggressive, but they spit harmful venom. The red ones charge at Lara, so if you have mastered the adrenaline Headshot, it will be proved really effective. You can also use the Shotgun which can kill a naga with a couple of bullets if you are close to it, but if you want to jump around, you had better use the Pistols or the Submachine guns.

In this area, you can also see a crystal on a pedestal and two movable statues holding shiny fans. Do not move the statues now, because there are some things you have to do first. For now, go through either opening since both lead to the same place.

Room with hole in the floor - Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring on statue's head and descened into the hallway below. Proceed into the hallway and break the rounded vase on the left to find a Treasure (12/30).

When you move farther in the hallway, a brief cut scene plays where Lara examines the architecture of the underground remnants and notes that it is different from the courtyard but similar to the Niflheim ruins.

The gate at the end of the hallway will not open, so you have to find another way. Halfway through the hallway, look for a small narrow ledge on the left wall (as shown in this screnshot). Jump to grab it and pull up. Jump up twice to grab the next two handholds and shimmy to the left around the corner. Jump to grab the stone beam on the other side, but do not pull up. Instead, traverse to the left past the column above. Pull up and jump to the opposite stone beam. Hang from the edge and traverse to the right past the column above. Pull up and jump to the stone beam at the other side. Yet another time, hang from the edge and traverse to the left past the column above. Pull up and jump on the ledge above the gate. Hang from the right side and release twice to land on the ground behind the gate. Go up the stairs to the next area.

The brief cut scene shows half of the area and focuses on a structure to the left.

Courtyard with greenery - Be very careful here, as the place is full of nagas, bats and spiders, so do not run everywhere at once. First of all, get rid of six bats attacking you and pick up the Health Potion on the right. Then go down the first flight of stairs on the right and stop on the landing. When you do that, two red and two green nagas appear in the main courtyard. They do not attack immediately, so you have some time to aim at the red naga clinging to the central column and fire a grenade (as shown in this screenshot). Once you do that, start shooting at the other red naga that comes from the nearest column. You have to be quick, because once you start shooting, the green ones will appear.

Area overview - This area has two structures; one on each side. The goal is to visit both structures and get two Gems, eventually leaving from the right one. If you want to get straight to the point, get the Gems and leave without getting all kills, pick-ups and Treasures, there is a fast way to do so (check at the bottom of the page the part Courtyard with greenery Faster way). The walkthrough covers the complete process without backtracking. You will first visit the upper part of the area making an anti-clockwise route. That is, get the Gem from the right hand structure, move to the side opposite the entrance and then get the Gem from the left hand structure. You will then explore the lower part of the area and finally leave from the gates on the right hand structure.

Getting the Gem from the right hand structure - (The following sequence is shown in this page.) From the landing where you killed the nagas (to the right of the stairs as you enter this area), climb the handholds on the wall and pull up on the ledge. Pick up the Health Potion and go behind the pillar. Jump to grab the beam and pull up. Jump up to grab the handhold on the pillar and then jump to grab the narrow ledge running on the wall to the right. Pull up to hug the wall and jump to grab the top of the pillar. Pull up and turn around. Jump to grab the edge of the small room beyond. Pull up and approach the mechanism. Press the Interact button to retrieve the Gem (Shiva) #1. Doing so, the mechanism revolves and one of the two gates exactly below opens. This action also opens a gate in the other structure

Moving to the side opposite the entrance (far right corner) Kill the flock of bats that are flying from the other side. Use the Grapple to catch the ring on the mechanism and drop backwards off the edge to land in front of the gate (as shown in this screenshot).

(For visual guidance of the next process, see this page.) Turn left and and notice the Treasure in the far right alcove. This is where you will go now. Facing the gate hang from the edge on the left and shimmy left until you cannot go any farther. Jump to the left to land on the lower ledge and follow it to the other side. You will see a pillar with small handholds on the left. If you pass the pillar, a green naga will appear from behind, so draw weapons and kill it. Three spiders will also join you, so take care of them too. Now climb the handholds on the pillar. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge above and traverse to the left around the two corners. Jump to grab the ledge on the left and drop to the lower ledge on the right. Draw weapons and kill the red naga that attacks. Hang from the edge of the ledge and traverse to the right past the wall. Pull into the alcove and pick up the Treasure (13/30).

Hang from the edge and shimmy left past the wall. Pull up on the ledge where you killed the last naga and climb on the next one where you landed after jumping from the pillar.

Top of the pillar (next Treasure) - Now you will go after the next Treasure that is lying on top of the pillar. (See this page for visual guidance.) Grab the handholds on the back wall and climb up, then jump up to grab the next handholds. Continue to the right to grab the small ledge, then the next handholds. Climb up a bit and then right to the next ledge. Release to grab the lower ledge and shimmy right past the tree trunk. Pull up on the ledge and pick up the Health Potion. Turn around to face the pillar and jump on it. Pick up the Treasure (14/30) and turn to face the wall you climbed up earlier. Drop back and hang from the edge. Release to grab the lower ledge pressing the Interact button to help Lara because she will grab only with one hand. Traverse to the left around the corner and jump to grab the ledge where you started the climbing before; pull up.

Going to the structure in the middle (exactly opposite the entrance) - Once again, climb the handholds on the wall and jump up to grab the next one above. This time, do not go right to the ledge. Instead, jump straight up to grab the handholds above. Continue upwards and to the left. Drop to the broken stairs below and go up them. Pick up the Treasure (15/30) from the alcove on the right and the Health Potion from the left. Turn to face the alcove where you got the Treasure and hang from the edge (as shown in this screenshot). Release to grab the square ledge below. Pull up and pick the Treasure (16/30).

Moving to the left corner opposite the entrance - Facing the entrance, hang from the edge on the right and release to grab the handhold below (as shown in this screenshot). From there, drop to the ground. Pick up the Health Potion and cautiously move to the other side. Six bats will fly from the left, so kill them. (These bats may appear on the square ledge where you got the last Treasure, depending on the time you spent up there.)

As you move to the other side, a red and a green naga will come down the wall you came from. Draw a powerful weapon and kill them along with the flock of bats that will soon join them. In the far right corner of the ledge (if the entrance is on your left) you will find a rounded vase that contains a Treasure (17/30).

Getting the Gem from the left hand structure - Return back to the alcove you came from (where you dropped down here) and perform a Chimney Jump to reach the narrow ledge (see this screenshot). Climb on the ledge to hug the wall and jump forward to land on the ledge beyond.

Hang from the edge on the left and traverse to the left towards the pillar. Immediately pull up and move away from the edge. Two red nagas will appear, so kill them before they drop Lara down. (The following sequence is shown in these screenshots.) Once you are done, hang from the same edge again and traverse towards the pillar. Jump to grab the next ledge and pull up. Jump to grab the handhold on the pillar, then the next one above. Traverse to the right around the corner and jump up twice to reach the top of the pillar. Turn a bit to the left and jump to the stone beam. Then walk to the ledge and turn left. Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring above and jump forward. When Lara's legs reach the wall, press Up and Interact to climb up and reach the ledge with the meachanism. Get the Gem (Shiva) #2. When you do that, the meachism revolves and the gate exactly below you opens. This action also opens the second gate in the other structure, enabling you to exit.

You are able to see the Treasure on the opposite ledge, but you cannot get it from here. For now, use the Grapple to catch the ring on the mechanism and drop backwards off the edge to land in front of the alcove. Get inside and pick up the Health Potion. Exit and turn right. Look for a ledge at the back behind the pillar. Jump there and pick up the Health Potion from the bushes. Climb the handholds on the pillars and jump tp grab the ledge on the right. Shimmy right and pull into the alcove. Perform the Chimney Jump to reach the ledge above. Traverse a bit to the left, pull up and pick up the Treasure (18/30).

Drop back down where you got the Potion the same way you came. Turn around and slide down the slope to reach the ground. Go up the stairs on the left and repeat the climb to reach the mechanism in the right hand structure. Use the Grapple to catch the ring and climb down to reach the doorway which should be open if you have got both Gems.

Through the exit - Go through the doorway and follow the hallway around to the right until you reach a deep pit. Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring above and swing across. Turn left to reach a second pit. Jump to grab the horizontal pole on the left and climb on it. Jump up to grab the handhold on the wall, then jump to grab the crevice in the left pillar. Climb to the ledge above and pick up the Health Potion.

(If you are not interested in Treasures, turn around and skip this paragraph because you will take a detour.) Turn right and approach the edge. The pit below is the one you passed before. Jump to grab the stone beam on the right and shimmy left past the column above. Pull up and jump to the ledge ahead. Go to the other side and jump to the beam on the left. Traverse to the right past the column and pull up. Jump to the opposite ledge and pick up the Treasure (19/30). Now make your way back to the ledge where you got the Health Potion.

Jump to grab the horizontal pole, swing and jump to grab the next one. Swing and jump to the ledge ahead. Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring and swing to the opposite lower side and through the doorway. Go up the stairs on the left to reach the next area.

Area with climbable structure and one tiger - Draw weapons and kill the tiger that attacks from the greenery on the right. Pick up the Health Potion from the left and go to the right of the structure (as shown here) where you will find a rounded vase. Break it and pick up the Treasure (20/30). Then return back to the entrance.

Climbing up the structure - (This screenshot shows the path for the next Treasure.) Climb on the stone block opposite the entrance and jump to grab the narrow ledge running on the wall ahead. Traverse to the left and pull up. Jump forward to perch on the pillar and then jump to grab the handhold on the opposite wall. Shimmy left and jump to grab the ledge on the left. Pull up and pick up the Treasure (21/30).

Jump to grab the handhold you came from and shimmy to the right. Jump to perch on the second pillar behind you. Jump to grab the handhold ahead and traverse to the left. Release to grab the narrow ledge below and shimmy left. Pull up to hug the wall and perform the Chimney Jump to reach the upper part of the structure. Go to the right and up the ascent. Kill the six bats that attack and pick up the Health Potion.

(The following sequence until you reach the next Treasure is shown in this page.) Hang from the edge and release to grab the handhold below. Traverse to the right until you reach the stone beam. Pull up and jump to grab the opposite handhold. Shimmy left and release to grab the lower handhold. Jump back to land on the stone beam and jump to the next one. Jump to perch on the pillar and jump to grab the handhold on the opposite wall. Shimmy right and jump to grab the next handhold above. Again, shimmy right and jump to grab the ledge. Pull up and pick up the Treasure (22/30).

Jump to grab the handhold you came from and shimmy to the left. Release to grab the lower handhold and again shimmy left. Perform two consecutive jumps to grab the next two handholds and jump up to grab the horizontal pole. Swing and jump to grab the narrow ledge on the opposite side. Pull up and jump staright up twice to reach the top.

Top of the structure - Go up the short stairs and jump to grab the handhold on the left wall. Traverse to the right and jump to grab the next ledge. Go to the right around the corner until you reach the end.

Jump to grab the narrow ledge and pull up to hug the wall. Jump to the right (Lara's left arm) to grab the handhold on the pillar and traverse around the corner. Keep shimming until you reach the other side of the stone beam. At the end, pull up and kill the six bats flying from the structure. When you are done, jump to grab the handhold of the second pillar and traverse to the left around the two corners. Jump back to perch on the broken pillar, then jump to grab the handhold of the third pillar. Shimmy right and pull up on the beam. Jump into the doorway.

Hallway with pit that contains beams and horizontal poles - The hallway gets you to a deep pit. Jump to grab the handhold on the left wall, then the next one on the right. Release to land on the stone beam below. Walk to the other side and jump to the next beam ahead. Turn left and jump to grab the handhold on the wall, then the next one above. Jump straight up to grab the horizontal pole and traverse a bit to the other side. Swing and jump to grab the next pole that spans the two columns. Again, traverse a bit to the right, swing and jump to grab the next pole. Release to drop to the ground. Follow the hallway, go up the stairs, but do not enter the next room yet.

If you wait for a while, two green nagas will appear. If you stay at the top of the stairs (that is, do not step in the lit room at all), the nagas will not get you. If you have grenades left, you can use two of them and get rid of the nagas quickly. Once you are done, enter the lit room and go to the right where you will find a Treasure (23/30). Then go to the open area at other side.

Shiva's right arm balance - You are back to the area with Shiva's statue, only this time you are on the upper ledges. Facing Shiva, you are standing on the left side, but the puzzle that follows corresponds to statue's right arm.

There is a statue here that holds two square platforms. This represents a kind of scale, so jump on the higher platform. Lara's weight lowers the platform and raises the other one. This action activates a mechanism that lowers Shiva's right arm (notice the second right arm that has a reflecting tray). Jump to the ground and pick up the Health Potion. Climb back on the ledge close to the scale and go up the stairs. A green naga will come down from the other side, so stay sharp. Start shooting while backing away and you will kill it before it reaches Lara. Also, kill the six bats that fly from behind Shiva's statue.

Go up to the end of the stairs. Jump on Shiva's hand and press the Interact button to place one of the Gems into the circular receptacle. Go back to the scale and jump on the higher platform to activate the mechanism in reverse that brings Shiva's right arm to its original position. When this happens, a ray of light casts into the courtyard below.

Back to the Shiva and Kali courtyard - Drop down and approach the opening that overlooks the courtyard. Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring of the pole and pull it to throw it down (see this screenshot). Then climb down to the courtyard. When you reach the ground, detach the Grapple and turn around. Draw weapons because a green naga will climb from the opposite wall, coming from the ledge exactly opposite the one you climbed down just before. Start shooting as soon as it appears and you will kill it before it reaches Lara.

You have to reach the ledge where the last naga came from. There is a same pole with a metal ring up there that you have to catch with your Grapple. To do that, approach the wall and turn the camera upwards so you can see the pole. Shoot the Grapple. When you catch the ring, stick to the wall and press the Jump button. That way, Lara will hang from the cable. Press Interact and Up to climb the wall.

Shiva's left arm balance - There is a kind of scale here too, only this time the statue holds one platform and there is a horizontal pole in the other hand. First, locate the movable cage on the left. Push/ pull it next to the hanging platform (as shown in this screenshot).

Climb on the ledge and enter the room with the pillars. If you explore the hallway behind the left pillars (as shown in this screenshot) three nagas will appear. Two red ones will come from the courtyard below and one green from the stairs above. If you do not want to deal with them, avoid this area and just pick up the Treasure (24/30) from the other side. Then return back.

Go up the strairs and locate the handhold on the pillar to the left (see this screenshot). Jump to grab it, then jump to grab the horrizontal pole above. Climb a bit to the right, swing and jump to grab the next pole on the statue's shoulder. Swing and jump to grab the pole in statue's hand. Lara's weight lowers the arm and raises the platform. This action activates a mechanism that lower's Shiva's left arm. When the arm is completely down, drop to the ground and quickly push the cage beneath the platform. That way, the platform does not return back and Shiva's arm stays down.

Climb back on the ledge and go up the stairs. When you reach the top, jump on Shiva's hand and press the Interact button to place the other Gem into the circular receptacle. Go back to the scale and pull the cage. The platform will lower and this action will activate the mechanism in reverse that brings Shiva's right arm to its original position. When this happens, a second ray of light casts into the courtyard below.

Back to the Shiva and Kali courtyard - A pproach the opening that overlooks the courtyard. Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring of the pole and climb down to the courtyard. When you reach the ground, detach the Grapple and turn around.

Solving the puzzle with the statues with fans - Each statue is holding a reflective fan. The goal here is to make each ray of light to fall on a fan so it will reflect on the crystal.

(This page shows the next sequence.) Grab the statue that is closest to Shiva (the one that is standing on the straight line) and push it to the other side. Go to the left and push it around the circle. Position it just before you reach the straight line. If you move it carefully there, the ray of light will fall on the fan and it will reflect on the crystal.

Now go to the other statue. Stand having Shiva on your left. Push the statue around the circle and continue pushing it along the straight line. When you reach the other side of the circle, go to the left of the statue and push it just a bit. You will again see the ray of light falling on the fan. It will then reflect on the crystal.

When both rays reflect on the crystal, they are cast on the gem on Kali's forehead. This operates a mechanism that makes Kali's hands to push the floor beneath her and create steps that lead to a secret opening.

Last courtyard with greenery - Go down the steps and through the opening to reach a courtyard with greenery. Go behind the statue and pick up a Treasure (25/30). Return back and turn to face the statue. Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring on it and pull it to throw it down. This will break the ground and reveal a deep pit.

Courtyard with greenery Faster way - If you are not interested in getting all pick-ups, kills and Treasures, there is a faster way of doing that. Once you enter the area, kill the bats and four nagas as described in the walkthrough. Then go to the far left corner of the area, where you will see some handholds on the wall (as shown in this screenshot). Climb the handholds, then jump up to grab the ones above. Jump to grab the handholds on the next wall, then the next ones and finally jump to the ledge on the right.

Pick up the Treasure (listed 16/30 in the walkthrough) from the rounded vase and go to the other side of the ledge. Kill the bats and two nagas that attack and follow the part of the walkthrough Getting the Gem from the left hand structure (2 paragraphs). Once you do this, drop to the ground and go to the other side of the area for the other Gem. Follow the part of the walkthrough Getting the Gem from the right hand structure (1 paragraph). Now that you have both Gems, use the Grapple to get down to the open gates. Go through the doorway and follow the part of the walkthrough Through the exit.

The Ancient World

Draw weapons and kill the swarm of spiders that come from the deep pit. Hang from the edge and release to grab the handhold below. Lara will grab it with one hand, so press the Interact button to help her. Release to grab the next handhold and notice the metal ring below. Release and quickly throw the Grapple to catch the ring. Descent if necessary and jump to the ground ahead. Then approach the stone door.

In the following cut scene, Lara approaches the stone door and something in her backpack starts to glow. She takes the gauntlet out, puts it on her hand and places her hand on the door. The engravings on the door start glowing as well, and she realises that she can move the entire stone door by herself. Lara assumes that it was the source of Thor's godlike strength.

After the cut scene, stand next to the door and press the Interact button to grab onto it. Press Left to open the door with the power of the gauntlet and go through it. Kill the swarm of spiders and proceed into the next room.

Room with Thor's statue and central structure - Cross the walkway.

The next cut scene shows Norse remnants underneath the Shiva temple. Nothing remains on the pedestal. The gauntlet, which was supposedly there, is gone. Looking at the walls, Lara notices an ancient engraved map that has been recently destroyed. According to the runes, the map was leading to Thor’s belt and hammer. Turning around, Lara inches closer to the pedestal and makes a rather peculiar discovery: the initials 'RJC' have been carved into the stone, along with information about the gaunlet. 'RJC' stands for Richard James Croft, Lara’s father, but he never used his middle name to avoid confusion with his own father. With this clue, Lara understands where her father hid the gauntlet. She decides to head back home.

The circular platform you are stating on and the walkway you crossed before is an entire wall mechanism that can be rotated. The goal here is to rotate the wall (and the walkway) towards the opening opposite the entrance which is the exit. The next part includes the retrieval of three Treasures and one Relic, eventually moving the wall towards the exit.

Going for the first Treasure - After the cut scene, turn around and cross back the walkway. (This page shows the retrieval of the Treasure.) When you reach the entrance, look for a metal ring on the right. Use the Grapple to catch it and jump to hand from the cable. Climb down the cable and drop to the ledge below (and next to the wall). Turn right and go to the other side of the ledge where you will find a Treasure (26/30).

Return back close to the wall and use the Grapple to catch the same metal ring you used before. Approach the column and press the Jump button to hang from the cable. Climb to the top and jump to the ledge on the left. Then cross the wallkway again to reach the circular platform with the empty pedestal.

Going for the second Treasure - (See this page for the sequence that follows.) Hang from the edge of the circular platform. Release many times to grab the handholds below until you reach the ledge. When you do that, you will hear the chime signaling the Treasure. Grab the panel in front you and move to the right as much as you can. That way, you move the panel and the entire wall. This will reveal a secret alcove behind the panel. Go to the left, enter the alcove and pick up the Treasure (27/30).

Exit the alcove and start climbing up the panel until you reach the circular platform with the empty pedestal. Once again, cross the walkway to the other side. As you can see, the walkway is no longer in front of the entrance.

Going for the third Treasure - (See this page for screenshots that show the process.) Hang from the left side of the walkway and approach the metal ring on the wall. Release and quickly throw the Grapple cable to catch the ring. Climb down a bit and wall run to reach the ledge on the left.

(Note about the wall run - If you have played Anniversary, you should know how this move works. If not, check the detailed description at the bottom of the page.)

Grab the wall and start pulling it. Keep pulling until you pass the third column on the left. Stop somewhere between the third and fourth pillar. That way, you will leave some space for Lara to go around the wall and reach the other side (behind the wall). Do that, grab the wall and push it to the end (until Lara stops). Release the wall and look to the left and above to spot the metal ring on the wall. Use the Grapple to catch it and wall run to reach the ledge in the middle of the room. Go left and jump the gap. Climb up the panel to reach the circular platform with the empty pedestal. Kill the flock of bats that attacks and cross the walkway. Jump to the ledge on the right and pick up the Treasure (28/30).

Return back to the walkway and notice that it is very close to the exit.

Aligning the walkway with the exit - Cross the walkway to reach the circular platform with the empty pedestal. Once again, climb down the panel to reach the ledge. Grab the panel and move to the right as much as you can to rotate the entire wall.

The brief cut scene shows that the walkway has been aligned with the exit.

Getting the Relic - Climb up the panel and cross the walkway, but do not leave yet!! If you do that, the gauntlet will lose its power and you will not be able to get the Relic.

(For visual guidance, see this page.) Go almost halfway across the walkway and hang from the left edge. Traverse close to the metal ring, release and quickly throw the Grapple cable to catch the ring. Climb down a bit and wall run to reach the ledge on the left. Grab the wall and pull it. Keep pulling until you pass the first column on the left. Stop somewhere between the first and second pillar. That way, you will leave some space for Lara to go around the wall and reach the other side (behind the wall). Do that, grab the wall and push it to the end (until Lara stops).

Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring on the wall and wall run to reach the ledge in the middle of the room. Go left and jump the gap. Climb up the panel to reach the circular platform with the empty pedestal. Cross the walkway and go left behind Thor's left shoulder. Pick up the Relic and return back to the circular platform.

Aligning the walkway with the exit/ Time to leave - You will again align the walkway with the exit and this time you will leave. Climb down the panel to reach the ledge. (See this page for visual guidance.) Go to the right and jump the gap. Use the Grapple to catch the metal ring on the wall and wall run to reach the opposite side. Now you are on the ledge where you pulled pushed the wall before. Now pull the wall until the first column. That way, there will be a small part of the ledge that Lara can land on after swinging back. Use the Grapple to catch the ring and wall run across. Jump the gap and go to the other side of the ledge around to the right. Jump to grab the panel and climb to the top. Cross the walkway and jump to the exit.

In a short cut scene, Lara discovers that the power of the gauntlet is drained and wonders how Thor was charging it.

Wall Running - Like in Anniversary, Lara can run on the walls and reach far ledges by using her Grapple. To perform the wall run, a ring must be mounted on the wall. To activate the Grapple device, just press the Grapple button to catch the ring. Then jump to hang from the cable. You can maneuver Lara by having the camera either behind her (perpendicular to the wall) or to the side of her (parallel to the wall). However, the first way seems easier for many players.

Once you hang from the cable, position the camera behind Lara (perpendicular to the wall). Press the Left and Right direction keys (back and forth) to start the wall run and gain momentum. Let's say that the destination ledge is to your left. Once Lara reaches the highest point to the left, press Jump while having the Left button still compressed. Lara will release the Grapple line and jump to the left.

There are times where the destination ledge is behind Lara and diagonally to the left or right. For a successful jump, the procedure lightly differs. Let's say that the destination ledge is behind Lara and diagonally to the left. First, examine the position of the destination ledge comparably to the wall. Have in mind that when Lara reaches the highest point while wall-running, she must not exceed the position of the destination ledge. This means that you may have to climb up or down the Grapple line, so once Lara reaches the highest point while wall-running, the destination ledge should be behind her. This can be determined by trial and error. Once you catch the ring, perform the wall run as usual. When Lara wall-runs to the left, release the Left button when she reaches the highest point, and press Down and Jump to leap off the Grapple line and jump backwards.

Puppet no Longer

Room with pool and broken bridge - Enter the room with the pool and broken bridge and shoot the swarm of spiders on the wall and the opposite side. Jump into the water and swim to the far right corner (as shown in this screenshot) where you will find a Treasure (29/30). Then return back, climb on the low ledge, then on the one where you started.

You need to reach the opposite side using the metal ring mounted on the wall. Unfortunately, the destination ledge is not opposite the ring (in that case, a simple jump would make the job), so you have to make a tricky jump.

Jumping to the opposite side - (This page shows the following sequence.) If you throw the Grapple line to catch the ring and then jump towards the wall, Lara will most likely fall into the water. So, jump and whilst in midair, throw the Grapple line to catch the ring. Make Lara hang beneath the thick line on the wall. The longer the cable is, the higher momentum Lara will gain. Position the camera behind Lara, because it will be easier that way. Start swinging left and right. When Lara reaches the highest momentum to the left (she should be above the thick line), release the Left button and quickly press Down and Jump. If you do it correctly, Lara will grab the end of the ledge. Pull up and turn right.

Jump to grab the handhold on the left wall, then the next one above. Jump to grab the horizontal pole on the left, but do not release it yet. Lara's weight lowers the pole and operates a mechanism that opens the exit door. When this happens, drop into the water and swim through the exit.

Underwater tunnel - Swim through the tunnel and keep an eye above where you can find an air pocket. If you do not need it, just keep swimming. There is a second air pocket just ahead if you need it, but before reaching it, look for a depression on the floor where you can find a Treasure (30/30). Briefly, you can find the depression between the two air pockets.

Keep swimming to the other side of the tunnel until you reach the end. Pull the wheel to open the door and swim through it. When you exit the tunnel, surface to get some air. You are back close to the boat, so swim through it.

The last cut scene of the level shows Lara stepping back onto her boat. Contacting Zip and Alister, she tells them that she did not find the gauntlet, and that her father destroyed the map, which makes Alister smile. Lara explains to her friends that she knows where her father hid the gauntlet, and that it is right under their nose.


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